Fenua Ma - Recycling
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.544701 Longitude: -149.578641 For more information, see Recycling
Pneu Imports
Island: Raiatea GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -16.723612 Longitude: -151.456044
Raiatea Pneu Import TEL: (+689) 40 66 49 49 FAX: (+689) 40 66 35 21 / Located in the industrial zone in Uturoa. Close to Proxi supermarket. Carries AGM & Gel batteries
Raiatea Recycle
Island: Raiatea
Communauté de Communes Hava’i in Raiatea. Contact them on 40 66 48 59. They’ll pick up your batteries for xpf 4,000
PSE Pacific Self Energy
Island: Tahiti
689 40 42 47 22 Located on Prince Hanoi, next to Pet Shop and just before Easy Mart. Signage obvious for pedestrian not for drivers. They stock a variety of Gels AGMs and 6 volt golf cart batteries. They primarily sell plug and play solar panel systems to the outer islands. Owner speaks excellent english. Arrange for the batteries to be sold duty free for an extra 5000 xpf
Battery Water
Island: Tahiti
Most gas stations that have a small store carry battery water. Mobil station close to marina Papeete has 1 liter bottles 260xpf MC Imports also has battery water in liter containers for a similar price as the gas stations Mobil station in Cooks bay also has battery water and a number of auto related items - Oil, Coolant, etc
ETS Aming
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.534413 Longitude: -149.566966
They have a wide range of things: material for gardening, but also bycicles, household material, fishing gear and even paint and batteries, etc. 32 avenue du Chef VAIRAATOA A98714 Papeete Tél : - For more information, see Hardware Stores
Equipe Auto
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.528794 Longitude: -149.567575
Equipe Auto Car parts store near Sunzil Solar in Fare Ute Fare Ute Street Alfred Poroi Papeete Tahiti 98713 +689 500 550 11-2019 Mary Ann reports that Optima batteries are stocked by Equipe Auto
Fenua Ma - Recycling
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.544701 Longitude: -149.578641 For more information, see Recycling
MC Imports
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.543217 Longitude: -149.5534
Batteries, Golf Cart, AGM's MC import Address: 204 allée Pierre Loti Vallée de Titioro-Papeete BP 140957-98701 ARUE Tel: (689)40547954 Fax:(689)40547952 @: BP 140957 - 98701 ARUE contact name was Pierre and that he spoke good English. This should be your first stop. MC Imports is easy to spot, they have a large "MC Imports" sign under the apex of the metal clad warehouse, dark grey. It is on the right hand side going up/south on Avenue Pierre Loti. It is 50m beyond the short cross street called Pont de la Fautaua over the creek on your left. More precise position is 17 32.593S 149 33.205W. The opening to the warehouse is on Pierre Loti. About 500m beyond Carreira fabric store on the same road Some Notes of Interest Visited MC Imports today and saw the batteries they had there. The battery of interest to us is their WINNER SOLAR W6A. Sold by an Greek company VIOSY and said to be made in Korea. They knew the Trojan and said it was made in the same place evidence. In every way it looks like a Trojan T105 even down to the caps and lifting lugs on the top of the box. Just is white not brown/red. It is a GC2 225Ah at the 20hour rate just like the T105. I have a cycles vs DOD graph too and it seems to outperform the T105 on that score. Case height is 9.75" and to top of stud is 10.50". Width and length are 7.13" and 10.25". Their price for Winner 6 volt was 26200 xpf if sold as "in transit." Have a very large stock. 6-20-17 Price for a YIT is 83840 CFP for 4 with no VAT and including a 20% discount. The 16% VAT is not charged if you present yacht & customs papers and passport.
11-2017 after buying 4 6V batteries in Sept Found them not having as high of working voltage as the older Trojans. But them seem ok
02-2019 following up after 18 months off use. I am pleased with the batteries and would buy again. But I have found that over watering them kills them for 2-3 weeks. So I have been only putting a small amount of battery water in and not topping up Jacaranda
Marine Supplies
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.54159 Longitude: -149.57171
Marine Supplies
3-23 Carry gel batteries & Lithiums See catalog For more information, see Marine Suppliers
Ocean 2000
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.529987 Longitude: -149.560249
Ocean 2000 120 Av. du chef Vairaatoa Papeete, TAHITI Tél: (+689) 40 83 83 93 Fax: (+689) 40 83 83 94 Email: Horaires d'ouverture: Lundi-Jeudi : Matin - 7:30-11:30 Après-midi - 13:00-16:30 Vendredi : Matin - 7:30-11:30 Après-midi - 13:30-15:00 Samedi : 8:00-11:00 Dimanche : Ferm For more information, see Marine Suppliers
Pacific Self Energy
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.534519 Longitude: -149.56213
Pacific Self Energy Formerly PSA (Pacific Sud Accumulateur) Batteries BP 537 , 98713 Papeete, Tahiti Vetea LIAUZUN Gérant Tel:(689) 40 42 47 22 Mobil+689 87 73 27 22 On Prince Hanoi about a ten minute walk from the water front, next to Pet store They carry US Battery 6V deep cycle. As the batteries and panels are already imported the customs duty can not be avoided (only 7% on batteries) but he can have the 16% vat avoided for a 5000 xpf fee to the agent. This saved Mary Ann II 20600xpf. Also carries 4 different solar panels all poly cristiline. Contact Vetea Liauzun - speaks excellent English.
4-2022 SV Stella Maris Just replaced my 1000 Amp battery bank with Pacific Self Energy… Got high end Sonnensheim 6 V , 330 Amps each at a better price than in Europe!!! No Taxes! Great service, shipped to Fakarava. 100% Customer Satisfaction!
11-18 VETEA is a top notch guy who stands behind his products. Easy walk to his shop from Marina Papeete where his batteries are on display. He will personally deliver your new batteries to the marina and help you get them aboard. He also takes your old batteries away. His level of service is unique in Papeete. SvRecalada
SES Consulting
Island: Tahiti +689 87 76 37 17
Trojan Battery Distibutor Sin Tung Hing (STH)
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.528096 Longitude: -149.567219
STH carries Varta batteries For more information, see Marine Suppliers
Sunzil Papeete
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.529019 Longitude: -149.567089
We have heard from multiple sources that Sunzil the solar panel store sells deep cycle batteries. They sell very good quality batteries without VAT provided you have solar panels on your boat (everything related to solar is VAT free in French Polynesia).
3-23 reported to carry lithium batteries See Martiali Sunzil Papeete Fare Ute, Papeete Martial Oberli (speaks English) 87-70-82-94 For more information, see Solar Panels
Tahiti Piles et Lumieres (Small Batteries)
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.544916 Longitude: -149.576734
Tahiti Piles et Lumieres Tel 40 43 83 70 They are located near Papeete Marina in Rue Cook About 1 block from Champion Corner of Rue Cook & Avenue du Commandant Destremau 9-19 Coral Trekker They have all small batteries you need AA, AAA, C,D, all the button batteries CR inkl CR2450 for dive computers, 3S1P Li-Po 2200 mAh for drones and model planes
Tahiti Yacht Accessoire(TYA)
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.585582 Longitude: -149.61497
Tahiti Yacht Accessoire Michele Baltzer 689-87-74-10-02 Marina Taina 3-23 Reported TYA carries Victron Lithium Batteries In 3/17 he had a sizable stock of Victron Li+ batteries
9-23 SV Elvira They kindly helped us with four 220 amps batteries with fast delivery. They sorted out to send it to us in AHE north Tuamotu. Very good service. For more information, see Marine Suppliers
Yune Tung
Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.531339 Longitude: -149.568474
Yune Tung Ph 40508989 Fare Ute Industrial Zone Vaiava - Papeete BP 252 Papeete SV Fandango suggested this electrical supply on the short street with ACE hardware in Fare Ute. I visited there and got a quote on 6V golf cart gel cells. Vision brand made in china, rated 220 AHr at 20hr rate. They delivered to my dinghy and by day's end, Coastal Drifter was re-powered, DC-wise! I spoke french but I think they have at least one person able to speak english.