Buy & Sell
Puces nautiques Moorea
Island: Mo'orea 🌐
Vente et Échange Divers Tahiti Et Moorea Island: Mo'orea Vente et Échange Divers Tahiti Et Moorea 🌐
Puces nautiques Raiatea
Island: Raiatea
Vente de bateau en polynesie
Island: Tahiti
Vente de bateau en polynesie 🌐
For all things marine related
Divers buy sell & trade
Island: Tahiti
Groupe pour les équipages de voiliers en Polynésie
Island: Tahiti
Groupe pour les équipages de voiliers en Polynésie FB group that covers FP. Mostly locals. Some people use to sell items related to sailing 🌐
Nauticondo - Used boat equipment
Island: Tahiti
Used boat Eauipment 🌐
Hosted by Sophia Katharina
Petites (Similar to Craigs List)
Island: Tahiti
Local classified ads. In the same fashion as the US website Craigslist. Where everyone goes to buy a used car, rent apartments and buy things.
Puces nautiques Tahiti
Island: Tahiti
If you need or sell boat parts or any second hand stuff, post on the online French Polynesian Swap meet group : Tahiti Sailing Flea market 🌐