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Charts/cruising guides

Chart Locker Satellite Images of SP

Island: Tahiti

Charts based on Navionics, Google Satellite, and Bing Satellite are now available for all of French
Polynesia, the Pitcairn Islands, and Rapa Nui.
Additional information is available including the exact size of each zip file -- this can help in case of
download errors. The notes section gives more information about each file and the "HOW TO USE THESE
FILES" section has been updated

FP Charter Sailing Instructions and Charts for the Leewards

Island: Tahiti

We have charts available for the Leewards which we have posted on our google drive. Including sailing
instructions from the charter company. Hopefully these will help you. Titled "FP Sailing Instructions &
Charts for the Leewards"

FP Cruising Guides (Out of Print)

Island: Tahiti
FP Cruising Guides Out of Print

Librairie Odyssée

Island: Tahiti
Just behind the Catherdral carry French cruising guide to FP

Soggy Paws Cruising Guides pdf's

Island: Tahiti
Numerous FREE Cruising guides and Compendiums for French Polynesia