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Medical Clinic Mo'orea

Island: Mo'orea

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.483767

Longitude: -149.813809

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There is a walk in clinic next to the pharmacy opposite the reef anchorage in Cooks Bay.

You do not need an appointment. There is usually a doctor on call during business hours.

11-2020 SV Tintamarre reports that there is a lab for blood tests


Gaelle Lacroze

Island: Raiatea

Doctor: Gaelle Lacroze: 40664966.

Good doctor, takes her time, and speaks reasonable English.

Located on Main Street in Uturoa

SV Mary Ann


Medical Clinic Mo'orea

Island: Mo'orea

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.483767

Longitude: -149.813809

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There is a walk in clinic next to the pharmacy opposite the reef anchorage in Cooks Bay.

You do not need an appointment. There is usually a doctor on call during business hours.

11-2020 SV Tintamarre reports that there is a lab for blood tests


Gaelle Lacroze

Island: Raiatea

Doctor: Gaelle Lacroze: 40664966.

Good doctor, takes her time, and speaks reasonable English.

Located on Main Street in Uturoa

SV Mary Ann


Dr Sophie Parisot-Kill. GP & Homeopathie

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.535127

Longitude: -149.563563

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Dr. Sophie Parisot-Kill.

General Medicine

Homeopathie also

Centre Medical Prince Hinoi


NICE new office, she seems to be just establishing herself so she was easy to get an appointment with.

Speaks some English and was thorough and accessible

10-2018 SV Allora


Dr Antoine Carpentier GP

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.537893

Longitude: -149.56808

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Dr Antoine Carpentier GP

General Medicine

3 Rue Paul Gauguin (beside the Pharmacie du Port).


Drop-in hours Monday/Wednesday 0700-1100, 1330-1800; Tues/Thurs 0700-1230; Fri 0700-1100,

1330-1700; alternate Saturdays 0800-1200 - or with appointment.

Note: Google Maps link is very close but not exactly spot on

Near the downtown bus drop- off not far from the market.

SV Barracuda 10-2020 Dr Carpentier is a general doctor, but with an interest in diving-related/

hyperbaric medicine. Appointments not often needed. We needed a prescription; we called up, were

told to come right round and within 15 minutes were in his office. After examination, the prescription

and useful advice were issued and we were on our way for what seems the standard consultation fee of

3,600 xpf. His office is at the ocean end of Rue Paul Gauguin, right next door to the big Pharmacie du

Port, near Papeete marina.

SV Airborne Recommended 06-2020


Dr David Prevost - GP

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544637

Longitude: -149.573009

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GP Dr.David Prevost.

55, rue des Poilus Tahitiens

+689 40 53 30 10



Many cruisers we know use Dr. Prevost in Pape'ete and have come back with great reviews. Not only is

he a good physician, personable, and has a great bedside manner, he speaks French and English.

He recently moved his practice from the Clinique Paofai to a new location.

He has taken over the old veterinary clinic. There is a pharmacy next door: Pharmacie Maeva.

To make an appointment, scheduling is now even easier, he has an online booking site. Often times

appointments can be booked the same day or the next day. You can still contact his office by phone for

an appointment as well:

Above info supplied by SV Cream Puff

12-2022 SV Auntie

Great experience with Dr Prevost. Easy appointments, knowledgeable and thorough. Nice man too!

5-22 SV Wind Dragon Dr Prevost is great and speaks English very well

7-20 SV Sugar Shack

Dr. Prevost was able to see us same day appointment) for 7000xpf or about $70). He was able to refill

prescriptions and provide new scripts. Lab fees are separate but can be submitted right next-door Lab

hours 0630-1600). Dr. Prevost’s English is excellent and he is very kind and prompt

7-2019 SV Panache We found Dr. Prevost to be an excellent and experienced General Practitioner

2-2019 SV Kapia Nui General medicine and he was awesome. Good English, thorough, comic nerd. He

was great, super personable and funny. We highly recommended him.

10-2018 SV Hedonism

We arrived without appointment and he advised that he would see me but I would need to wait a bit so

he could see his patients that had appointments. That is fair.We waited about 1.hours. He spent about

30 minutes with me and gave me a requisition for various blood tests. We also made an appointment for

the next morning to go over the results. The Lab is the next door over from his office.

Cost for this 1st visit was XPF 7000

The lab work was 3990 that included various blood work and urine tests.

They also gave me a code and password so I could view the results on-line later in the day. (as they did

for later test including the Cat Scan. It even allowed me to download the actual Cat Scan!

9-2017 SV Jacaranda Highly recommended


Dr. Lafitte GP (Taravoa -Port Phaeton)

Island: Tahiti


Dr. Lafitte.

+689 40 57 21 88.

A group of physicians has offices next to the pharmacy.

10-2020 SV Baloo Dr Lafitte administered a vaccination we'd purchased at the pharmacy. (Measles) This

was done on a walk-in basis. – Baloo



Island: Tahiti

All medical staff several cruisers have used have been of a high standard. Consultation visits are

currently costed at 3,600 xpf (approx $34 US). In Papeete there are two General Practice physicians

across from the Tourist Office on the quay. Dr Andrew Carpe speaks reasonably good English and has

specialist training hyperbaric medicine 40 4256 67. Walk-ins are often seen without long waits.

Specialists and technical procedures are available at hospital and at two private clinics. The hospital

prices appear to be substantially less expensive than the private clinics. For example these charges were

incurred at the main hospital: Sonogram of neck (thyroid) --$64.80; Chest Xray --$46.80; Consultation

with ENT including upper airway endoscopy -- $55.80 (in US dollars.) Hospital appointments can be a

long wait but our experience is walkins are generally seen within two hours. No problem since most

cruisers are “time millionaires.” The main Hospital for FP is Hospital du Taaone on Charles de Gaulle ask

at the bus station near the Marie if they go past the hopital.

List of all Medical Centers in FP

Island: Tahiti


List of all Medical Professionals in FP

Island: Tahiti