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Doctor, Specialists & Surgeons

Cabinet d'Ophtalmologie de Moorea

Island: Mo'orea

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.548546, Lon -149.785928 Island:GoogleMaps Mo'oreaOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.548546

Longitude: -149.785928

view in google maps

Cabinet d'Ophtalmologie de Moorea 🌐πŸ“ž +68940564000



Arterial Specialist Dr. Robert Bertucci

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.544014, Lon -149.575581 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544014

Longitude: -149.575581

view in google maps

Also in Paofai Clinic. Recommended by

Recommended by

10-18 SV Hedonism

He conducted a thorough imaging scan on my neck with me watching and him explaining and pointing

things out. His scanner was pretty high tech, he could even tell me that my saliva glands were too

small (I knew that from previous treatments). He spent at least 45 minutes with me. He diagnosed my

β€œproblem”, it was my Thyroid.

Cost for Dr. Robert Bertucci including the scan: 7434


Breast Surgeon Gynecological Obstetrician Dr. Ines Leroux

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr. Ines Leroux

Breast Surgeon Gynecological Obstetrician (great for breast cancer) πŸ“ž +68940460437 and πŸ“ž +68940460427

+689Clinique 40Cardella. 46πŸ“§ 04 37 and +689 40 46 04

Clinique Cardella.

Ancien interne des hopitaux de marseille Ancien cheif de clinique A la faculte de medecine de Paris

(Former resident of Marseille Hospital. Former head of Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris)

6-21 SV Sugar Shack recommendation

CHPF Hospital

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.536955, Lon -149.558266 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap


CHPF Hospital

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.536955

Longitude: -149.558266

view in google maps

Specialists and technical procedures are available at hospital and at two private clinics. The hospital

prices appear to be substantially less expensive than the private clinics. For example these charges were

incurred at the main hospital: Sonogram of neck (thyroid) --$64.80; Chest Xray --$46.80; Consultation

with ENT including upper airway endoscopy -- $55.80 (in US dollars.) Hospital appointments can be a

long wait but our experience is walkins are generally seen within two hours. No problem since most

cruisers are β€œtime millionaires.” The main Hospital for FP is Hospital du Taaone on Charles de Gaulle ask

at the bus station near the Marie if they go past the hopital.


Cardiologist Dr Bruno Ulmer

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.53534, Lon -149.558057 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.53534

Longitude: -149.558057

view in google maps

Dr Bruno Ulmer πŸ“ž +68940506900




Specialty pacemakers @ hospital Excellent English Sailor



Cardiologist Dr IN Sirivuth

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.53534, Lon -149.558057 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.53534

Longitude: -149.558057

view in google maps

Dr IN Sirivuth πŸ“ž +68940506900




Dr Ulmer fills in for Dr Sirivuth. Same office and secretary (Sandrine)

11-18 Dr Ulmer Recommended by Winsome & Franco from Marina Papeete


Cardiologist Dr Philippe Lionet

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr Philippe LionetLionet40460410 Cardella Clinic


Cardella Clinic

1-2021 SV September AM Very thorough examination, we managed to communicate with my limited

French. Also in clinic Cardella, note long waiting list fur an appointment.


Cardiologist – Dr. Gillet

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.54645, Lon -149.58469 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.54645

Longitude: -149.58469

view in google maps

Tautiare Shopping Centre 2nd floor πŸ“ž +68940822121

40 82 21 21


Dr. Gillet is an experienced Cardiologist and able to perform a range of tests right in his office (ECG,

Echocardiogram, etc.). His office is located in a two-story professional building, east (i.e. towards

downtown) of the parking garage at the Faa’a Carrefour, across a small street but on the same side of

the main road.


Chiropractor - Ben Eastwood

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.557919, Lon -149.606282 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.557919

Longitude: -149.606282

view in google maps

La Colonne Vitale Ben Eastwood πŸ“ž +68989294329


+689🌐 89 29 43

Fanomai Center


Chiropractor .Β· Massage Therapist

2-21 SV Aldebaran Highly recommended

Chiropractor Teiva Levine

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Teiva Levine

RueLevineRue Laurent Le Bilhan

5-2022 SV Seneto If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Papeete, Tahiti, I would highly recommend Teiva

Levine at Rue Laurent Le Bilhan. Highly professional, extremely friendly staff and the treatment was outstanding.

Clinique Cardella

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.541314, Lon -149.566651 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap



Clinique Cardella

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.541314

Longitude: -149.566651

view in google maps

Located near the cathedral City Central


Dermatologist Dr Fennira

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.544014, Lon -149.575581 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544014

Longitude: -149.575581

view in google maps

Dr Fennira



10-21 SV Sugar Shack She works on Tuesdays. She is very thorough, kind, and speaks English. My visit

which included an exam and about 12 spots being frozen cost about $65. I would recommend her!!!

5-21 SV Kiapa Nui - I recently saw Dr. Fennira per seeing her name in the TCG...thank you. :) She was

as close to an derm you'd find in California. The best so far out here. She took her time, she went over

almost EVERY piece of skin (she even slid my boobs out from my bikini top and looked underneath),

bottoms of feet and she looked closely at the ears. The only place she actually didn't look was my nor

Ryan's bum. She zapped me 34 times. She speaks great English and is keen to practice more and more.

She likes having foreigners coming in and the interactions. She listens, she explains, and understands

other methods like using Efedex but uses that gnarly cream as a last resort. I had a spot on my arm

that appeared AFTER using Efedex so she zapped it about 4 LONG times and really got it. She wants to

see me again in 2 months for that specific spot and if it reappears she wants to take a biopsy. She was

extremely thorough. She will cut out spots if needed anywhere on the body except for the face.

SV Tintamarre I saw a Dr Fennira at this clinic. Very pleasant lady, who spoke good English. Currently (in

covid times) easy to get an appointment. If treatment is required the additional cost over a check up is

only a few dollars.


Dermatologist Dr Picault

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.539905, Lon -149.566324 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.539905

Longitude: -149.566324

view in google maps

Dr Picault

10, 98714 Rue Edouard Ahnne πŸ“ž +68940572700

40 57 27 00

9-21 SV Mojo We both used Dr Picault and found him to speak english and was super efficient, close to

the Town centre Vodaphone shop. Next to Fast Print

Dermatologist Dr Ruiz

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540534, Lon -149.569559 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.540534

Longitude: -149.569559

view in google maps


Dr. Solene Ruiz

Dr. Ruiz's work website: https://🌐

Here you can find the link to the doctofenua site and all her contact info. πŸ“ž +68940422051 (office) πŸ“ž +68987270022 (cell) πŸ“§

40🌐 42 20 51 (office)

87 27 00 22 (cell) and create an account and start selecting which department, location (if you

know) and doctor. More and more doctors are going this route. Their whole schedule shows up and you

can pick and choose which day and which time you would like and for how long (15 mins = a consult, 30

min slot or a 45 min slot).

Across from the Papeete Marina in the yellow building second floor west of Post Office. Very Close to

the entrance to Hotel Tiare

See GE photo:

When you get in that area look for metal plaques with names next to a doorway. It's fairly easy to find

once you know generally where to look. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Her office is at the end of the hall.


7-2022 SV Auntie Excellent doctor, good experience. She is thorough, professional, and freezes things

off with good equipment. She also advised cutting off one lesion, and did an excellent job of it. Her office

is located directly across from Marina Papeete in a the yellow building (Real Estate office on ground

floor) and the stairs to get up to her office are at the right far right of the yellow building. This is the

same office was formerly run by Dr. Oviada. There is no receptionist at the time of review, but she is

prompt at returning calls.

5-21 SV Kiapa Nui taken from a report of numerous dermatologists that they have seen.

Dr. Ruiz speaks a bit of English but more than what she leads on to speak and understand. She's a sweet

doctor in my opinion. She takes her time with you. I spent a whole hour with her as she cut out a spot

that made me uneasy and we sent it to the lab. She also froze off what I asked her to freeze off. She

took her time to look over my skin but did not check the bottoms of the feet and ears. I was told by Dr.

Fennira that she is very good a surgically removing spots, her speciality is removing spots on the face.

Dermatologist Dr. Jean Pierre Bernadat

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544014

Longitude: -149.575581

view in google maps


Dr. Jean Pierre Bernadat Clinic Paofai Phone πŸ“ž +68940461818

Phone #40 46 18 18

Speaks very good English

9-21 SV Kiapa Nui - Paofi Clinic, 40-46-18-18 same office: Monday, Friday, Saturday is Dr. Jean-Pierre

Bernadat (his name is on the office wall so when you call to make an appointment you say his name and

the help desk will direct your call to his office)

Shared office with other dermatologists based on day of week.

5-21 Kiapa Nui - Can recommend him

10-17 Jacaranda

We found that he did a good job when both Linda and I went to him in 2017

2017 Naoma Thorough and direct. Kind of a no-bullshit "here's how it is" kind of guy.


Dermatologist Dr. Julien Levang (Taravoa -Port Phaeton)

Island: Tahiti

Island:Dermatologist. Tahiti


Dr. Julien Levang. πŸ“ž +68987290820

+689 87 29 08 20.

Located in the Centre Taimoe Bldg. 2nd floor across from the Super U on RT 3. The main number for

Centre Taimoe is πŸ“ž +689 87 79 48 24.68987794824

10-2020 SV Baloo He performed a thorough, full body skin cancer check on both of us. Speaks some

English. Very happy with his work. Located in the Taimoe building across from Super U in the dentist

suite, second floor. All our appointments were for 9:30 Tuesday, first come, first serve.


Dermotologist - Dr. Ermolieff

Island: Tahiti

Island:Dr. TahitiErmolieff Paofi Clinic

Dr. Ermolieff

Paofi Clinic

4-21 SV Kiapa Nui from a group report of seen dermatologists in Tahiti.

Dr Ermolieff speaks great English, I've seen him at least 3 times, he's old school, does an okay job at

looking over the body, will freeze off what he sees and what you ask for and he takes his time with you.

He is very responsive to his personal email if you have it.

Paofi Clinic, same office: Monday, Friday, Saturday

Tuesday, Dr. Feriel Fennira

Wednesday,FenniraWednesday, Dr. Serge Ermolieff

Thursday, Dr. Solene Ruiz

Saturday, Jean-Pierre Bernadat


Echograph/Doppler Dr. Martha Ford

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.535127, Lon -149.563563 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.535127

Longitude: -149.563563

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Dr. Martha Ford


Centre Medical Prince Hinoi, Second Floor πŸ“ž +68940836434


Excellent place to get an ultrasound. She is from the US but has worked in France since her education.

Speaks perfect English. Very knowledgeable/easy to get an appointment



Emergency room care

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

The emergency room at SAMU is well run and there are a number of english speaking staff. You are

charged for a 3,600 xpf consultation fee and if it is after hours a 4500xpf surcharge. Ambulance service

is free. On a recent 3/2017 visit for a broken arm we were seen in minutes, xray performed, reviewed by

an on-call orthopedic surgeon, 24 hours of pain meds and a sling provided were provided free of charge.

Total cost was 13,600 xpf ($126 US). Knowing our limited French they arranged a hotel at 1:30 am as

returning to our vessel with a fracture humerus by dingy was not feasible


Endocrinologist (Thyroid specialist) Dr. Jessica Leogite

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.535127, Lon -149.563563 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.535127

Longitude: -149.563563

view in google maps

Dr. Jessica Leogite

Endocrinologist (Thyroid specialist)

Centre Medical Prince Hinoi πŸ“ž +68940430490


Her office was always crowded, but once in her room, she was attentive, focused and not rushed. Speaks

some English.



Eye Surgeon Dr Thomas Chassine

Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.541314, Lon -149.566651 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.541314

Longitude: -149.566651

view in google maps

Dr Thomas Chassine Cardella Clinic. Phone πŸ“ž +68940460413

Cardella Clinic.

Phone 40 46 04 13

Has full eye examinations and laser procedures available as needed. Speaks English fluently.

3-2021 SV Airborne Recommended


Eye Surgeon Dr. Eleonora Zito

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr. Eleonora Zito πŸ“ž +68940460413

# 40 46 04 13


(Near Marina Papeete)

Recomended by Steve on Ocean Star who has laser cataract surgery done by her.


Eye Surgeon Dr. Thomas Fallevoz

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.54007, Lon -149.566846 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.54007

Longitude: -149.566846

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Thomas Fallevoz

Route de Toahotu πŸ“ž +68940482121

40-48-21-21πŸ“ž +68989504005


Across from the Cathedral City Center.

Used him for Cataract Surgery. Now after 8 months I can say I would not recommend him. After having

the other eye done in Mexico at 1/3 the price found out that the stitch was never removed causing me

months of eye irritation.

Does eye exams with very modern equipment. He speaks excellent English.


Gastroenterology Dr Bronstein

Island: Tahiti

DrTahitiDr Bronstein (See Internal Medicine Dr Bronstein)


Gastroenterology Dr Fadi Chakhtoura

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.54435, Lon -149.574842 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.54435

Longitude: -149.574842

view in google maps

Dr Fadi Chakhtoura. - Digestive πŸ“ž +68940851010

40 85 10 10

Office in Vaimoanatea Building across from front entrance of Champion, 1st floor, Entrance A

Excellent english and a very caring doctor


Gastroenterology, Dr. Pierre-Alain Cougard

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.536483, Lon -149.560206 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.536483

Longitude: -149.560206

view in google maps

Dr. Pierre-Alain Cougard.

Hepato-Gastro-Enterologue (Gastroenterologist). Clinique Mamao. πŸ“ž +68940506900

Clinique Mamao.

40 50 69 00.

12-21 SV Kiapa Nui Speaks excellent English, including medical terminology. He is timely, very friendly,

skilled/experienced, professional, and has a great 'bedside manner'. We were referred to him by our

GP Dr. Prevost. He and his husband own the clinic with their offices and the procedure rooms. I

don't remember the name of their anesthesiologist but he was also good (but only speaks French). Dr

Cougard's staff of assistants and nurses was also exceptional. The facility was clean, well equipped,

comfortable, and modern without being "flashy" if you know what I mean. After the procedure Dr

Cougard met with us to give a detailed report of his findings and to answer any questions with patience

and detail. When I had a last minute question on the Sunday afternoon before my procedure I sent a

message to his clinic email address and was stunned to quickly get a personal reply from him answering

my question in a friendly familiar but professional way. So far he's impressed me to the point I'm

comfortable ranking him amongst the top doctors I've experienced.


Gynocologist Dr. Violaine Bertrand DINH-GIA

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.544029, Lon -149.576862 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544029

Longitude: -149.576862

view in google maps

Dr Bertrand (Gynecologist) πŸ“ž +68940425799

40πŸ“ž 42+689404618 57πŸ“§

689 40 46 18 13

>>>>>>> NOTE: Address Change <<<<<<

9/21 Moved to a new location. 1 block from Paofai clinic. Between Paofai parking lot and Rue Cook. On

Blvd de la Reine Pomare. Betweent to the Galerie des Tropiques and the podologue office.

+11-2021 labs.SV Sugar Shack She did a full breast exam, pelvic exam, ultrasound, pap smear for 9000xpf. She is very pleasant and professional. Speaks English. When you enter her office, go to the

receptionist furthest from the door as the other person is for a different doctor.

SV SugarShack 8-2020 She was able to fit me in the same week. Dr. Bertrand is lovely, kind, and speaks

wonderful English. For a general checkup she did a full breast exam, a sonogram and a pap-smear for

14000xpf ($140). Her lab is a few blocks away and she will give you a map. Very pleasant experience.


Gynocologist Dr Nedim Alwardi

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.544014, Lon -149.575581 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544014

Longitude: -149.575581

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Dr Nedim Alwardi Clinic Paofai πŸ“ž +68940433360

Clinic Paofai


speaks English

Also provides mammograms Recommended by

Recommended by

10-17 Jacaranda

& a number of other cruising women.


Internal Medicine Dr Bronstein

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.541314, Lon -149.566651 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.541314

Longitude: -149.566651

view in google maps

Dr Bronstein

Cardella ClinicH

His secretary 40460415πŸ“ž +68940460415

8-2022 SY Alila I was very happy with Dr. Bronstein, very professional, very helpful, if you get passed his secretary!

1-2021 SV September Am I used Prof. Dr Bronstein at Clinic Cardella, a wonderful man, speaks perfect

English. Enormously helpful in all matters, personable and caring. He is a specialist in internal medicine,

gastrologist and cancer specialist. All manner of internal examinations are available (gastrscopy etc).


List of all Medical Professionals in FP

Island: Tahiti


Onocolgist Dr Bronstein

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.541314, Lon -149.566651 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap


Onocolgist Dr Bronstein

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.541314

Longitude: -149.566651

view in google maps

Dr Bronstein see Internal Medicine Dr Bronstein

Cardella Clinic

His secretary 40460415πŸ“ž +68940460415


Optometrist Dr. Nochez Yannick

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr. Nochez Yannick, Opthamologiste

Center Medical Prince Hanoi

3-2021 SV Auntie Recommended by friends of friends. Made appointment by phone for 2 days in future,

arrived 30 mins before scheduled appt, receptionist had no record of appointment but remembered the

phone call, re-scheduled me for 11 days in future. While I was pondering the wisdom of returning, I asked

1 other patient In waiting room if they thought the doctor was good. Reply was not so much, β€œit takes

him 10 appointments to do what other clinics can do in 2 appointments”. Never saw doctor, no first hand

knowledge, receptionist not friendly or helpful, made appointment at a different clinic.

Side note: I’ve learned it is best to go to the clinic /office to make the initial appointment as you then

have a piece of paper to show receptionistsreceptionists.


Optometrist: Dr. Laurent Grillot (Taravoa -Port Phaeton)

Island: Tahiti

Island:Optometrist: Tahiti


Dr. Laurent Grillot. πŸ“ž +68987322609

+689 87 32 26 09.

Located in the Centre Taimoe Bldg. 2nd floor across from the Super U on RT 3. The main number for

Centre Taimoe is πŸ“ž +689 87 79 48 24.68987794824 Offices located at the opposite end of the dentist suite. β€œMaladies

et Chirurgies des Yeux” (Diseases and eye surgeries).

10-2020 SV Baloo We had basic eye exams. Very up-to-date equipment and a busy office. Speaks very

little English. He has several offices in Tahiti. All our appointments were for 9:30 Tuesday, first come, first serve.



Orthopedics Dr Christian Sonderlund

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr Christian Sonderlund πŸ“ž +68940542426


Cardella Clinic

Spinal Column Surgery - Orthopaedics - Trauma


Orthopedics Dr. Karem DJENADI

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.528264, Lon -149.546539 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.528264

Longitude: -149.546539

view in google maps

Dr. Karem DJENADI Orthopedics MD

office phone number : πŸ“ž +689 40 48 62 0068940486200



Hospital of French Polynesia of the Taaone

Avenue du G.n.GΓ©nΓ©ral de Gaulle


98713 Papeete

Doctor K. DJENADI Head of Department Former Head of Clinic Hospital Assistant M 1509

Dr. Karem mentioned that one can make appointments with any of the Drs, but gave permission to be

added to the list.

Doctor P.FLEUR.FLEURÉ Former Head of Clinic Hospital Assistant M 1408


Doctor A. de JESSE Former Head of Clinic Hospital Assistant M 1278


Doctor R. LUTH Former Head of Clinic Hospital Assistant M2739


10-2020 SV Ziezo

Dr. Karem Djenadi speaks fluent English and is a sailor himself. He is extremely professional, extremely

kind and polite. He does not rush you, is very efficient and thorough. My husband and I are both Physical

Therapists and have worked with hundreds of Ortho MDs and he ranks amongst the top.


Osteopath Boyer Marion

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Osteopath Boyer Marion πŸ“§

89 53 22 18

She18She doesn’t currently have an office.. she does home calls / visits on the boat as well! She lives close to Faa’a.


3-2021 SV Selavi

Thanks to everyone that sent recommendations for a chiro/ osteopath around Tahtii.... i ended up seeing

Marion who was awesome. She’s an osteopath, very thorough. Best part, aside from her adjusting my

hips/back into proper alignment ... was she came out to the boat for a β€œhome visit”! Not having a car

this was a huge perk for us. She was lovely to work with and I highly recommend her. I’ll leave her phone

in the comments if you’re interested. I believe she speaks a little English as well for the non French speakers.



Osteopath Nicolas BOUSSEREAU

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti


Centre Tamanu PK15 πŸ“ž +68987277907

+689 87 27 79 07


Osteopath Orama Richmond

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.543748, Lon -149.574635 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.543748

Longitude: -149.574635

view in google maps

Orama Richmond Osteopath πŸ“ž +68987758175

+689 87 75 81 75

17Γ…Γ£17Β°32'37. 149Γ…Γ£149Β°34'28.8"W,

Aroā 5 nō māti 1797, Pape'ete

She's been doing a bit of work with some of us big boat yacht crew. Located in the Paofai clinic near the Champion supermarket

Paofai Clinic

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.544014, Lon -149.575581 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Champion supermarket


Paofai Clinic

Island: Tahiti

GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.544014

Longitude: -149.575581

view in google maps

Located next to Champion near Marina Papeete. Across from the park. Numerous specialty doctors and surgeons


10-21 SV Hedonsim

Paofai Clinic - INFO



CornerLocationCorner of boulevard de la Reine POMARE and rue du Lieutenant VARNEY 98714 Papeete Contact details

98714πŸ“ž Papeete

Contact details

Tel: (Standard and Emergencies )

Other services

Medical reception-24h00 / 24h00:πŸ“ž +68940461830

Ang.AngΓ©iology:πŸ“ž +68940461840

Dental office:πŸ“ž +68940461891

Cardiology:πŸ“ž -+68940461836πŸ“ž +68940461837

🌐 Visceral.-Thoracic surgery:πŸ“ž +68940461822

Dermatology:πŸ“ž +68940461843

Endocrinology :πŸ“ž +68940461843 Endocrinology :πŸ“ž +68940461843 Endocrinology:πŸ“ž 18.33+689404618431833

Obstetrics and Gynecology:πŸ“ž -+68940461811πŸ“ž -+68940461813πŸ“ž +68940461894

Physiotherapy:πŸ“ž +68940461841

General Medicine:πŸ“ž +68940461831

Ophthalmology:πŸ“ž +68940461809

ENT:πŸ“ž +68940461815

Pediatrics:πŸ“ž +68940461806

Pneumology-Phtisiology:πŸ“ž +68940461920

Psychiatry :πŸ“ž +68940461836

Radiology-Ultrasound:πŸ“ž +68940461820


BP 1653

98713 Papeete


Physiotherapist Steeven Gall

Island: Tahiti

Island:Steeven TahitiGall πŸ“ž +68987789092

SteevenπŸ“ž Gall+68940823796




6-2020 Sid Seymour

This guy is AMAZING!!! 5 stars and more!!


Podiatris Dr. Pascal Maillard

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Note: GPS is approximate location

Dr.locationDr. Pascal Maillard

Podiatrist/Podologue (Foot Dr. also handles problems with equilibrium and posture)

Across from an optician’s shop and it’s on the second floor. This is what his business card says:

Quartier du Commerce - Face Optique Gimond Taote Avae πŸ“§

TaoteπŸ“ž Avae+68987704830


GREAT guy, speaks English pretty well. (His brother also works in the same field and has his office across

from where Heiva is held -



Surgeon Dr. Nicolas Ruiz

Island: Tahiti

Island: Tahiti

Dr. Nicolas Ruiz Telefonnumber πŸ“ž +68940507112

TelefonnumberπŸ“§ +689

Location: He works in Paofai Polyclinique and has his office just a few bindings up the road, 🌐 -

Institut Polynesien de Chirurgie, Bd Pomare / en face de L.LΓ’tac) - entree B/C - 2 emergency Etage.

10-2023 SV ALILA Mike Campbell, ( refrigeration ) had a knee operation and got a new prosthesis. He

used a surgeon Dr. Nicolas Ruiz, which did a fantastic job. We can highly recommend him.


Urologist Dr. Gonzaque Desrez

Island: Tahiti

πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.545, Lon -149.573611 Island:GoogleMaps TahitiOpenStreetMap

GPSUrologist Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees):

Latitude: -17.545

Longitude: -149.573611

view in google maps


Gonzaque Desrez

5 minute walk from Paofai Clinic πŸ“ž +68940541030


Second floor at the Numero medico legal building, on the corner of Rue de 5 Mars 1797 and Avenue de

Poilus Tahitiens. Across the street on Rue de 5 Mars from the β€œInstitut Louis Malarde”.

Speaks some English (not fluent) Recommended by

Recommended by

09-17 Jacaranda

Linda went to see him a number of times and can highly recommend him

10-18 Hedonism

Dr. Desrez looked at my ultrasound and said he wanted a Cat Scan. He wrote the requisition and required

Prescription for the dye to be injected for the scan. (Bring your own dye to the cat scan…scan...different from

back home)

Cost for this visit to the Specialist; 5000. Cost for the β€œdye” at the Pharmacy – 9282. Cost for Cat Scan at

Paofai clinic - 41075 (not bad really)