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Outboards (new)

Comptoir Polynésien Yamaha

Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530572, Lon -149.570868 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

SAS Comptoir Polynésien 📞 +68940505750

Parts: 📧

Store: 📧

Located 1 block from Ace Hardware. They have a large parts section and carry many different size engine. Will sell OB's duty free

Ets Emile Vongue & Fils Mariner

Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530687, Lon -149.557241 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Ets Emile Vongue & Fils 103 Cours de L'union Sacrée Large selection of Imperial SS Nuts & Bolts. Also Mariner Outboard parts This furthest chandler from town. Dealers for Mariner Outboards. Sourced an impeller for small Jabsco pump. Main focus is trailer-able boat market. English speaking helpful staff. Polynesian Marine Dealer for Tohatsu Outboards. 40584747. Mariner Vongue Emile & fils 📞 +68940509300

This furthest chandler from town. Dealers for Mariner Outboards.

Generation Polynesie Honda

Island: Tahiti

Reported Aug 2020 that this company is no longer in business. SV Garulfo reported the following: outboard branch for Honda is as follows: 📞 +68940549170 , 📧

  • moteur HB Honda. Honda Generation Polynesie BP 20 811 , Papeete, Tahiti 📞 +68940829643


Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-530pm / Sat 8am-12pm Sales and repair of Honda OB's


Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530357, Lon -149.571822 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Nautisport 📞 +68940505959

Evinrude - Johnson - Suzuki For more information, see Marine Suppliers

Polyform Mercury

Island: Tahiti

Mercury Polyform 📞 +68940579621

BP 8458 TARAVAO TEAHUPOO PK : 15.6 côté montagne

Polynésie Marine

Island: Tahiti

Tohatsu Polynésie Marine 📞 +68940584747

2-22. S/V Charisma We bought a 9.8 Yamaha short shaft two stroke for $2,300 from Polynesie Marine and they waved the almost $400 duty tax and will allow us to send in our paperwork via email. Very nice guy and easy purchase.

Sin Tung Hing (STH)

Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.528096, Lon -149.567219 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

For Yanmar and Mercury parts Mahea TEMATAUA-TERIITI SIN TUNG HING MARINE Services Pièces Détachées YANMAR et MERCURY BP:1605 PAPEETE-TAHITI Zone Industrielle de la Papeava 📞 +68940549455


1-2021 SV Moan Mercury Outboard 4,5,6 (and more) in two stroke 6 hp only 20kg For more information, see Marine Suppliers


Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531181, Lon -149.571491 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Sopom For more information, see Marine Suppliers