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113 total results found

Groceries - Gourmet

Tahiti Cruisers Guide G

Le ma'a dans le bocal Island: Mo'orea Le ma'a dans le bocal Roving Truck containing goods in bulks. You bring your won containers 🌐 Check for days of week and location Planning 2021 of your grocery store without packaging!!!...

Guides to French Polynesia

Tahiti Cruisers Guide G

Guides to French Polynesia (out of print) Island: Tahiti List of out of print guides for French Polynesia Guide to Navigation and Tourism Mr Johns Guide to French Polynesia Boeheme Guide to french Polynesia 2000 Cruising Marquesas. Available on our ...

Hair / Beauty salon

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Bora Hair and Nails Design Island: Bora Bora Bora Hair and Nails Design πŸ“ž +68940676879 🌐 SV Kwanza Highly recommend Bora Hair and Nails Design in Vaitape. I had a fabulous haircut. Very friendly and efficient servic...

Hardware stores

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

VBP (Visserie Boulonnerie PolynΓ©sienne) 1st Choice Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530485, Lon -149.571079 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Two shops in Tahiti Fare Uti πŸ“ž +68940834310 Recently moved and is aprox 150 meters se of Nautisport. They spea...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide G

TheFloatingLab Island: Tuamotu The guestimator is an online tool to calculate the optimal times to sail through the passes of various atolls in the Tuamotu. The guestimator can be found here: SoggyPaws Island:...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Apataki Carenage Island: Apataki πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -15.557135, Lon -146.247376 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap πŸ“§ πŸ“ž +689727813 πŸ“ž +689714529 🌐 1-2021 Email reply from Alfred Lau at Apataki Carena...

Haut Commissaire

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Papeete Haut commissaire Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.543528, Lon -149.57015 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap The HC office is located about a 10 minute walk from Papeete Marina Avenue du GΓ©nΓ©ral de Gaulle, Papeete, French Polynesia πŸ“ž +68940468700 ...

Heat Exchanger

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Heat Exchanger info Island: Tahiti Info Passed on by Adrian Diesel-Clinic owner Adrian Pataki Engineering Technician πŸ“ž +68987286083 πŸ“§ There is no shop which specializes in Cupro-nickel heat-exchanger repair. To effect temporary repairs ...

High pressure cleaners

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

KΓ€rcher Agent Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.558328, Lon -149.5701 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap The KΓ€rcher agent They have a service station and also sell new one’s

Honda generator

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Commercial Royal Automobiles Island: Tahiti Jerome Montay Director commercial Royal Automobiles 50 Avenue Clemenceau, Mamao, Papeete, Tahiti πŸ“ž +689504150 email πŸ“§ Bought a Honda Generator from them, Very helpful!! Another report of Honda gen...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Hydraulink Hydraulic Hose & Fittings Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529625, Lon -149.569475 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Hydraulink Hydraulic Hose & Fittings Fare-ute & Tipaerui, Papeete, TAHITI 24/7 Mobile Service Hydraulic Hose Repair Hose...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Dispensaire De Bora Bora Island: Bora Bora πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.512381, Lon -151.746604 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Dispensaire De Bora Bora πŸ“ž +68940677077 Main Clinic in Bora Bora. Located app .5 mile from main dock heading towards Bloody Marys. (h...

Hotels / Hostels

Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Pension Kanahau Island: Hiva 'Oa Pension Kanahau πŸ“ž +68987701626 🌐 close to the harbor Pension Moehau Island: Hiva 'Oa Pension Moehau πŸ“§ 🌐 4-2023 Recommended by cruisers...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide H

Mo'orea Flexible Hydrauliques (Hydraulic hoses) Island: Raiatea πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.723896, Lon -151.459059 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Moorea Flexibles Hydraulic hose fabrication and repair with 3 locations We did not use this company but got their...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide J

Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Adresse: 67 av Pomare Papeete, TAHITI πŸ“ž +68940838393 Fax: πŸ“ž +68940838394 πŸ“§ Horaires d'ouverture: Lundi-Jeudi : Matin - 7:30-11:30 ...

Kitchen equipment / appliances

Tahiti Cruisers Guide K

KITCHEN EQUIPMENT / APPLIANCES Art Cuisine Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.546619, Lon -149.589142 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Art Cuisine Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier 🌐 πŸ“§ CONTACT INFORMAT...

Kite boarding equipment

Tahiti Cruisers Guide K

Tuamotu Kite School Island: Fakarava Tuamotus Kite School Sometimes has gear for sale For more information, see Kite Boarding Instruction Airush Tahiti Island: Tahiti The main equipment distributor for Tahiti and Moorea is Airush Tahiti. They have kites, ...

Kite boarding instruction

Tahiti Cruisers Guide K

Tuamotu Kite School Island: Fakarava Tuamotu Kite School Learn to kitesurf / hydrofoil at Fakarava atoll 🌐 🌐 Contact Adrien and Aline Cartier Millon πŸ“§ πŸ“ž +68887230845 Lakana Fly Kitesurf School I...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide N

Sin Tung Hing (STH) Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.528096, Lon -149.567219 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Sin Tung Hing Marine is the local distributor for Simrad products 10-2019 SV Panache (I know this is a Raymarine report but also applies to S...

News (local)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide N

Polynésie 1ère Island: Tahiti Tahitians rely a lot on Facebook to get updated information. For instance, during the floods of January 2017 up-to-date information was found on Facebook, not on the TV or in the newspapers: Polynésie 1ère Facebook page 🌐 www.fa...