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285 total results found

Oil Recycling

Tahiti Cruisers Guide O

Auto Express Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.532232, Lon -149.570284 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Auto Express fare 50m before the Mobil station πŸ“ž +68940480666 3-23 reported free drop off of used oil Enviropol on Motu Uta Island: Tahiti Sometimes cal...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide O

Optique Moorea Island: Mo'orea πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.481991, Lon -149.807796 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Optique Moorea πŸ“ž +68987272339 Maharepa 12-2023 SV Hanna Recommended Optique Te Mata Ora Island: Raiatea πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.730481, ...

Outboards (new)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide O

Comptoir PolynΓ©sien Yamaha Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530572, Lon -149.570868 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap SAS Comptoir PolynΓ©sien πŸ“ž +68940505750 Parts: πŸ“§ Store: πŸ“§ Located 1 bloc...

Outboards (repar & parts)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide O

Kaleo Island: Huahine Kaleo πŸ“ž +68987209435 in Huahine . 04-21 SV Aquarius Very good in mechanics , in and outboard motors Esteban Galvez Island: Raiatea πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.7761, Lon -151.419882 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Esteban Galvez Dinghy ...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide O

GasPac Tahiti Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.560154, Lon -149.570351 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Gaspac Tahiti 🌐 TIPAERUI VALLEY BP 632, 98713 PAPEETE POSTAL BOXES πŸ“ž +68940541154 πŸ“§ πŸ“§ ...

Racor filters

Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Ocean 2000 carries Racor filters and housing. They also carry Dahl Filters For more information, see Marine Suppliers Sopom Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS dec...

Marinas & Anchorages

Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Vaiare Marina Island: Mo'orea Vaiare Marina 🌐 Small marina that is home to many local French Sailors. Marina office is next to the ferry terminal. Wait list can run many months Apooti Marina Island: RaiateaApooti Mari...

Marine supplies

Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Dive Shop/Marine Store Island: Bora Bora Dive shop across from Super U has a number of marine related items. If you know the name please let me know Nauti Sport Mo'orea Island: Mo'orea Nautisport Vaiare 4-21 Reported Nautisport recently opened a small shop in ...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Eva Provo Island: Tahiti Eva Provo πŸ“ž +68940456444 πŸ“ž +68987784733 (If you have Eva's address and location please drop me a note and I will update this SV Ocean Star (Alice) I went to Eva Provo. Her office is in building just before the Champion grocery store ne...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Pacific Mousse Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540401, Lon -149.554257 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Tahiti Mousse - av Pierre Loti πŸ“ž +68940431505 πŸ“§ 🌐 11-21 Sv Cream Puff We found in...

Mirror (custom)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Societe Polynesienne de Miroiterie (SPM) Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.527422, Lon -149.527015 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Societe Polynesienne de Miroiterie (SPM) For more information, see Lexan/Plastics

Money paying vendors and transfer

Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Post Office Island: Tahiti TRANSFERRING MONEY: If you are on a small island without a bank, you can use the post office to xfer money to any bank in Tahiti if you need to pay someone there. The fee is very reasonble. French Nickel Island: Tahiti French Nickel ...

Music instruments (repair, store, lessons)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide M

Jean Philippe Andriot (Musical Instrument Repair) Island: Tahiti His name is Jean Philippe Andriot πŸ“ž +6898 7312666, his workshop is on the main pomade very near to the Papeete Marina. Was able to repair a violin bow and a harp Magic City (Musical Instrument St...

PVC supplies, pipe, fittings

Tahiti Cruisers Guide P

Polymat Island: Mo'orea πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.482567, Lon -149.799768 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap There is a pretty decent hardware store on Moorea, just east of Maharepa, called Polymat. They have just about everything, and at least one employee speaks ...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide P

Ace Hardware Paint Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531045, Lon -149.5704 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap Can mix oil paint or latex, have varnish and stains. Brushes and rollers. For more information, see Hardware Stores Bottom Paint Island: **Tahiti Oc...

Radar repair

Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

Assystem PolynΓ©sie Island: Tahiti πŸ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533009, Lon -149.567728 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap The Furuno authorized provider in French Polynesia is AS SYSTEM. Will find out about other brands See Furuno tab Assystem PolynΓ©sie Fare Ute Ce...

Radio nets

Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

VHF Net Nuku Hiva Island: Nuku Hiva Run by Nuku Hiva Yacht Services Monday - Friday Opening at 0800 on 72 and then switching to 68. Polynesian Magellan Net Island: Tahiti SSB (English) Polynesian Magellan Net (Ploy Mag Net) Freq: 8173.0 USB Time: 18:00...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

Marine Elec Island: Tahiti Marine Elec Alexandre πŸ“ž +68987374715 πŸ“§ Papeete Alex services Simrad, Lowrance, B&G, Garmin, Raymarine. I can also work on sat phone issues. Alex is the Raymarine warranty service / dealer for French Polynesia ...


Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

Maintenance Marquises Service Island: Hiva 'Oa MMS Ok for used oil and old batteries For more information, see Haulout Fenua Ma Recycling Island: Mo'orea Fenua Ma Recycling Main Office: Paofai Building in front of the House of Culture BP 9636 - 98715 MOTU U...

Refrigeration (repair)

Tahiti Cruisers Guide R

Fakarava Yacht Services Island: Fakarava Fakarava Yacht Services For more information, see Yacht Services Maintenance Marquises Service Island: Hiva 'Oa Fridge repairs For more information, see Haulout Jeremy Island: Huahine Jeremy πŸ“ž +68987736868 did th...