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PVC supplies, pipe, fittings


Island: Mo'orea ๐Ÿ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.482567, Lon -149.799768 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

There is a pretty decent hardware store on Moorea, just east of Maharepa, called Polymat. They have just about everything, and at least one employee speaks English

COPE Plomberie

Island: Tahiti

๐Ÿ“ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.546852, Lon -149.587949 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

For more information, see Plumbing

Plombirum Plumbing Supplies

Island: Tahiti

Plombirum Plumbing Supplies plumbing supply, fittings, pipe etc. Knowlegeable counter service. Vairaatoa a few blocks past Ocean 2k Address: 245, Vairaatoa BP 287 ppt, Avenue du Chef Vaira'atoa, Papeete 98713, French Polynesia Hours: Open M-F ยท 7AMโ€“5:15PM Open sat - ??

๐Ÿ“ž +68940500444