Tahiti Cruisers Guide
About & Editing Guide
Tahiti Cruisers Guide The "Tahiti Cruisers Guide" website was an invaluable resource for sailors...
Societe Polynesienne de Miroiterie (SPM) Island: **Tahiti ** ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.527...
Hiva Oa Yacht Services Island: Hiva 'Oa Hiva Oa Yacht Services (Sandra) Autona, Hiva Oa +689 87 ...
Air Conditioning
Champion Vaiare Island: Mo'orea Champion Portable Air Conditioners For more information, see Gr...
Airlines / Airports
Air New Zealand Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540352, Lon -149.567921 GoogleMaps ...
Ariki Noa Noa Island: Tahiti Ariki Noa Noa Tahitian Import Export They sell liquor in bulk and at...
Alternator and Starter repair
Alternator and Starter Shop Island: Tahiti [Update from August 2022: The old person who was runni...
Alunox Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.723333, Lon -151.456388 GoogleMaps OpenStre...
Marina Taina Area Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitu...
IE MARINE Island: Tahiti IE Marine Reported to carry Rocha anchors For more information, see Ma...
Animal rescue / adoption
Association Eimeo Animara Moorea Island: Mo'orea Association Eimeo Animara Moorea https://www.e...
Apple Computers
Apple Reseller - IVEA Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates: Latitude: -17.540033 Longitude: -149.56837...
Tahiti Menagerie Island: Tahiti https://www.tahitimenager.pf/ General Appliances. Stores locat...
Art supplies
Odyssey Books Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates: Latitude: -17.540498 Longitude: -149.566142 16 Ru...
Adrien Huguet Island: Tahiti Adrien Huguet adrienhuguet.avocat@gmail.com... +689 89 37 38 38 9...
Auto parts
Equipe Auto Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates: Latitude: -17.528794 Longitude: -149.567575 Equipe ...
Ace Hardware Island: Tahiti Weber BBQs available for sale Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti GPS Coord...
Lโabre ร Pain Boulangerie Polynesienne Island: Tahiti Lโabre ร Pain Boulangerie Polynesienne ๐ +6...
Fenua Ma - Recycling Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Lat...
Bearings, Belts and Seals
AFO Island: Raiatea AFO Raiatea: opposite the proxy zone, the street that goes on the right (co...
Bed Linen
Boutique Hotel Island: Tahiti Boutique Hotel cours de l'Union Sacree Closest cross street Av Geor...
Bicycle repair
ETS Aming Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.534413, Lon -149.566966 GoogleMaps OpenSt...
Boat broakers
Raiatea Yacht Sales Island: Raiatea Raiatea Yacht Sales ๐ +68987290609 / ๐ +68987277938 ๐ง info@ra...
Boat Cards
Vista Print Island: Tahiti Vista Print ๐ www.vistaprint.com/ 5/2022 SV Tavae printing boat cards,...
Boat Cleaning
Mana Island: Tahiti Mana ๐ง Taaroamea.raimana@outlook.fr ๐ +68989712557 Hull, interior, change of ...
Boat Watchers
Marina Viare - Jacques Island: Mo'orea Jacques - Contact Info ๐ง jacques.services98@gmail.com We h...
Boat workers
BMS (Boat Maintenance Service) Island: Raiatea BMS (Boat Maintenance Services) Fred Hermelin ๐ง bm...
Books, English
Librairie Klima Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540094, Lon -149.566707 GoogleMaps ...
Books, Fish Identification
Guide des poissons de Tahiti et ses รฎles Island: Tahiti "Guide des poissons de Tahiti et ses รฎles...
Bottom cleaning
Services Nautic Nuku Hiva Island: Nuku Hiva Services Nautic Nuku Hiva Whats App ๐ +68987237348 ๐ ...
Brass fittings and Copper tubing
Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Bus Airport to Taravoa Island: Tahiti bus 30 to taravao right outside the airport takes about an ...
Buy & Sell
Puces nautiques Moorea Island: Mo'orea ๐ www.facebook.com/groups/1074838600617240/ Vente et รchan...
CO2 Refills
CO2 Refills DIY Island: Tahiti 4-2023 Price is still 4960xpf delivery 1469xpf and tax +16% 5 kg...
Camera repair / battery replacement
Photo Tahiti Vaima Center Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540165, Lon -149.568418...
Canvas supplies
BATIPOL API Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.56176, Lon -149.60639 GoogleMaps Open...
Canvas work
Arthur Demachy Island: Bora Bora Arthur Demachy ๐ +68987239401 Also Whats App ๐ง demachy.a@gmail...
Patrick Island: Raiatea The first one is a proper carpenter who will build furniture and compli...
Carpet cleaning
Tropical Steam Clean Island: TahitiTropical Steam Clean (Tahiti Crew)https://www.facebook.com/tr...
Hyper Brico Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533707, Lon -149.559518 GoogleMaps Op...
Cars (buy/rent)
Hiva Oa Shop & Rent Island: Hiva 'Oa Hiva Oa Shop & Rent Valle de Takahau Near the port of Auton...
Chain Size Explained Island: Tahiti Here is an excellent write up on changing from an Imperial ...
Nautisport Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530357, Lon -149.571822 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Charts/cruising guides
Chart Locker Satellite Images of SP Island: Tahiti ๐ brucebalan.com/chartlocker/ Charts based ...
Child Care
Maeva Island: Mo'oreaMaevaMahrepa+689-89-33-82-91 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1129490701192...
Chinese medicines/herbs
Pacific Natura Papeete Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.538184, Lon -149.566661 Go...
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
FP Yachting Association Ciguatera Writeup Island: Tahiti French Polynesia Yachting Association ...
Cockpit cushions
TexTech Island: Tahiti www.textech-pf.com I have just touched base with Marc, who used to run ...
Carrefour Taina (Teas) Island: Tahiti Looking for** specialty teas try Carrefour Organics Secti...
Compass adjustment
Magnetic Declination Island: TahitiAccording to the NOAA website (ngdc.noaa.gov) the magnetic de...
Computers repairs/services
Sebastien Island: Raiatea Sebastien in Raiatea (87380504) also does computer repair and stuff (...
Apple Reseller - IVEA Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540033, Lon -149.568374 Goo...
Construction materials
PolyBat (Lumber, etc) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.551357, Lon -149.57295 Goog...
All Consulates in French Polynesia Island: Tahiti ๐ www.embassypages.com/frenchpolynesia CONSU...
Cooking gas (see Propane)
See Propane
Copy / Print
Computer/Copy store (Maharepa) Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.482335, Lon -149....
Courtesy flags
Nautisport Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530357, Lon -149.571822 GoogleMaps Ope...
Clinique Cardella Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.541314, Lon -149.566651 GoogleM...
Craft supplies
Essor Island: Tahiti Essor ๐ +68940425726 ๐ www.facebook.com/myessortahiti/ Corner of Prince ...
Looking for a boat or crew? Island: Tahiti The local FP FB page might be the answer https://www...
Papeete Customs Office Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.534006, Lon -149.577083 Go...
Chandlery (see Marine suppliers)
Composting head (see Toilet)
DPAM - Direction Polynesiennes des Affaires MaritimeNew Page
DPAM Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529407, Lon -149.569088 GoogleMaps OpenStreetM...
Delivery Service
Mo'orea Courier Service Island: Mo'orea Thomas ๐ +68940564715 fax +68987780320 ๐ง mooreacoursier@m...
Dentist / Dental Surgeon
Dr Jacques Maton Island: Bora Bora ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.504809, Lon -151.752174 GoogleM...
Diesel / gas
Bora Bora Total (Duty Free) Island: Bora Bora ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.499303, Lon -151.754...
Diesel mechanic
Taxi Motu Marine Island: Bora Bora Taxi Motu Marines ๐ +68940676577 ๐ +68989439999723 ๐ง taximotum...
Diesel parts
Dieselec Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531452, Lon -149.559538 GoogleMaps OpenStr...
Dinghy new/repair
Esteban Galvez Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.7761, Lon -151.419882 GoogleMaps Op...
Disinfestation / Anti-Termite
Ader Island: Tahiti After some research, we found the best guy for dis-infestation. He's used to ...
Diving equipment
Blue Water Killers Spearguns Island: Fakarava Blue Water Killers Spearguns Fakarava. ๐ +689897077...
Diving (schools and services)
Top Dive Bora Bora Island: Bora Bora ๐ topdive.com/scuba-diving-bora-bora/ Aqua Tiki Island: Faka...
Doctor (general)
Medical Clinic Mo'orea Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.483767, Lon -149.813809 Goo...
Doctor, Specialists & Surgeons
Cabinet d'Ophtalmologie de Moorea Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.548546, Lon -149...
Donations (clothing etc)
Catholic Relief Moโorea Island: Mo'orea Catholic Relief Moorea Mrs Mareva FROGIER ๐ +68987292869 ...
Dry ice
GasPac Tahiti Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.560154, Lon -149.570351 GoogleMaps Op...
Duty Free alcohol
Kim Fa SAS Island: Tahiti Kim Fa SaS 27 Rue Francis Puara Cowan, Papeete ๐ +68940545600 ๐ kimfa-t...
E-Bike rental
E-Bikes Rangiroa Island: Rangiroa e-Bikes Rangiroa ๐ง ebikesrangiroa@gmail.com ๐ +68987227798 Moan...
Ear drops
Ear Drops for Swimmers Ear Island: Tahiti A recent discussion in the FP Cruiser Facebook Page wit...
Electric motors
Chan et Fils SARL Island: Tahiti Chan et Fils SARL Patrick and Laurent Chan Land Line: ๐ +6894083...
Electrical Supplies
Polymat Island: Moorea Electrosav Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.535192, Lon -149....
Electricians 12V/24V
Services Nautic Nuku Hiva Island: Nuku Hiva Services Nautic Nuku Hiva Whats App ๐ +68987237348 ๐ ...
Electronics (Marine)
Cyprien Island: Raiatea Cyprien 7-2021 Recommended by Iaorana Yacht Services 6-2020 Recommended b...
Emergency contacts
JRCC Papeete (Rescue Center) Island: Tahiti JRCC Papeete JRCC ๐ www.jrcc.pf or call 16 by phone o...
Electrosav Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.535192, Lon -149.56735 GoogleMaps OpenSt...
Epoxy supplies
Ace Hardware Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531449, Lon -149.571269 GoogleMaps Ope...
Exterminator (Roaches, Ants, Termites)
Ader (Pest Control) Island: Tahiti Ader Henri Lopez-Diot (French & Spanish) ๐ง aderld@mail.pf ๐ +6...
Fabrics, Sewing supplies
Carreira Industries Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533918, Lon -149.566615 Googl...
Apetahi Express Ferry Island: Tahiti Apetahi Express ferry ๐ www.apetahiexpress.pf. 3-2022 The Ap...
Fiberglass, resins, gelcoat
Maintenance Marquises Service Island: Hiva Oa Maintenance Marquises Service Reported to do good...
Filters (watermaker, engine)
Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps Ope...
Fire Extinguishers
Incendie Moz Services Island: Mo'orea Incendie Moz Services Christophe Collard ๐ +68987320101 ๐ง...
Fishing supplies
Exocet Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.53273, Lon -149.562918 GoogleMaps OpenStre...
Food (distribution, order)
Caddy Xpress Island: Tahiti Caddy Xpress Thomas ๐ +68989656903 (Signal and WhatsApp) ๐ง caddyxpr...
Fuel injectors / injection pumps (Diesel)
Dieselec Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531452, Lon -149.559538 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Ader (Pest Control) Island: Tahiti Henri Lopez-Diot (French & Spanish) ๐ง aderld@mail.pf ๐ +689...
Assystem Polynรฉsie Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533009, Lon -149.567728 Google...
There are no galvanizing facilities in French Polynesia.
See Diesel
Generator (sales, service)
Chan et Fils SARL Island: Tahiti Chan et Fils SARL Patrick and Laurent Chan Land Line:+689-40-8...
Glasses (prescription)
Cathedral Area Island: Tahiti See Opticians There are two eye glass places bordering on the Ca...
Gopro camera's
Carrefour Taina Island: Tahiti Submitted to FP FB group 10-2020 You can get GoPros and accesso...
Jean-Luc Publicite Island: Raiatea There is a shop across the bay from Apooti Marina that is su...
Champion Vaiare Island: Mo'orea Champion Vaiare Mo'orea Near Vaiare Marina and the Ferry Termina...
Groceries - Gourmet
Le ma'a dans le bocal Island: Mo'orea Le ma'a dans le bocal Roving Truck containing goods in bul...
TheFloatingLab Island: Tuamotu The guestimator is an online tool to calculate the optimal times...
Guides to French Polynesia
Guides to French Polynesia (out of print) Island: Tahiti List of out of print guides for French...
Hair / Beauty salon
Bora Hair and Nails Design Island: Bora Bora Bora Hair and Nails Design ๐ +68940676879 ๐ www.f...
Hardware stores
VBP (Visserie Boulonnerie Polynรฉsienne) 1st Choice Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -1...
Apataki Carenage Island: Apataki ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -15.557135, Lon -146.247376 GoogleM...
Haut Commissaire
Papeete Haut commissaire Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.543528, Lon -149.57015 G...
Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger info Island: Tahiti Info Passed on by Adrian Diesel-Clinic owner Adrian Pataki E...
High pressure cleaners
Kรคrcher Agent Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.558328, Lon -149.5701 GoogleMaps Op...
Honda generator
Commercial Royal Automobiles Island: Tahiti Jerome Montay Director commercial Royal Automobiles...
Hydraulink Hydraulic Hose & Fittings Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529625, Lon ...
Dispensaire De Bora Bora Island: Bora Bora ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.512381, Lon -151.7466...
Hotels / Hostels
Pension Kanahau Island: Hiva 'Oa Pension Kanahau ๐ +68987701626 ๐ www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Mo'orea Flexible Hydrauliques (Hydraulic hoses) Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16....
ICE Super markets Island: Tahiti Most super markets and small Magasins carry bags of cube ice.
Tahiti Digit Import Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.538533, Lon -149.5469 GoogleM...
Border Police (check in/out) Island: Tahiti Located Faa Airport ๐ +68940800605 ๐ง dpaf987-poste@in...
Impellers Island: Tahiti Ocean 2000 or Sopoc. For Volvo try Nautisport For Yanmar try Sin Tung ...
Importing parts
Island Cargo Support Island: Tahiti Island Cargo Support Cassandra ๐ +13106938344 ๐ www.icargo...
Dieselec Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531452, Lon -149.559538 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Insurance (marine)
Assurance-AVP Island: Tahiti Assurance-AVP Affiliated with AVP French Sailing Group ๐ www.assur...
Inter Island Shipping
Hawaiki Nui (Raiatea) Island: Tahiti Hawaiki Nui leaves Tahiti every Tuesday and Thursday ๐ +68...
International Health Certificate (pets)
Service du Dรฉveloppement Rural Island: Tahiti The service in charge of delivering health certif...
Fakarava Yacht Services Island: Fakarava Fakarava Yacht Services They have wifi on deck. Purcha...
SES Consulting Island: TahitiSES Consulting Carries Inverters / Battery Chargers Victron dealer...
Assystem Polynรฉsie Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533009, Lon -149.567728 Google...
Kitchen equipment / appliances
KITCHEN EQUIPMENT / APPLIANCES Art Cuisine Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.54661...
Kite boarding equipment
Tuamotu Kite School Island: Fakarava Tuamotus Kite School Sometimes has gear for sale For more ...
Kite boarding instruction
Tuamotu Kite School Island: Fakarava Tuamotu Kite School Learn to kitesurf / hydrofoil at Fakar...
Leds & Lights
Fare Lumiere LED Island: Tahiti "Fare Lumiere LED, 6 Avenue Prince Hinoi, Cell ๐ +689877262 62,...
Language schools (French)
Horizons Francophone Island: Tahiti Horizons Francophones 35 rue A-M Javouhey Tรฉl/fax: 40 85 20...
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Bora Bora Laverie Island: Bora Bora Bora Bora Laverie ๐ง boraboralaverie@gmail.com Mimi 87 76 3...
Lettering for boats
Publicite Jean-Luc Enseignes Publicitaires Island: RaiateaJean-Luc Publicite 689 877629636 Near t...
Lexan / plastics / plexiglas
Hyper Brico Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533707, Lon -149.559518 GoogleMaps Open...
Liferaft certification
Chantier Naval des Iles S/Vent (CNI) Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.735995, Lon -...
Sin Tung Hing (STH) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.528096, Lon -149.567219 Googl...
La Poste (see OPT)
Lawyer (see Attorney)
Scanner IRM de Tahiti Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.542029, Lon -149.567677 Goo...
Machine shops
Raiatea Usinage Island: Raiatea Raiatea Usinage 87361778 ๐ง raiatea.usinage@gmail.com vers la c...
Mail / freight
ย Island: Tahiti Main Couriers: DHL Express BP 62255 Faa'a 98702 Tahiti FP ๐ +68940837373 near...
Makita tools
Ace Hardware Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531449, Lon -149.571269 GoogleMaps O...
Maps / Yellow pages
Openstreetmaps Island: Tahiti ๐ www.openstreetmap.org is the best open source and offline maps av...
Marinas & Anchorages
Vaiare Marina Island: Mo'orea Vaiare Marina ๐ www.portdepapeete.pf/fr/marina-de-vaiare-4 Small ma...
Marine supplies
Dive Shop/Marine Store Island: Bora Bora Dive shop across from Super U has a number of marine rel...
Eva Provo Island: Tahiti Eva Provo ๐ +68940456444 ๐ +68987784733 (If you have Eva's address and l...
Pacific Mousse Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540401, Lon -149.554257 GoogleMaps O...
Mirror (custom)
Societe Polynesienne de Miroiterie (SPM) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.527422, Lo...
Money paying vendors and transfer
Post Office Island: Tahiti TRANSFERRING MONEY: If you are on a small island without a bank, you c...
Music instruments (repair, store, lessons)
Jean Philippe Andriot (Musical Instrument Repair) Island: Tahiti His name is Jean Philippe Andrio...
Sin Tung Hing (STH) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.528096, Lon -149.567219 Googl...
News (local)
Polynรฉsie 1รจre Island: Tahiti Tahitians rely a lot on Facebook to get updated information. For ...
Notary (French Polynesia)
Adrien Huguet Island: Tahiti Adrien Huguet ๐ง adrienhuguet.avocat@gmail.com ๐ +68989373838 For...
Notary (USA)
Notarize Island: USA ๐ www.notarize.com/ 12/20 Submitted to the FP Cruiser FB page If anyone e...
Nuts, bolts, fasteners
Ace Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531449, Lon -149.571269 GoogleMaps OpenStreet...
O RINGS Roulements de Tahiti Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.555015, Lon -149.57...
Oil & Oil filters
Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps Ope...
Oil Recycling
Auto Express Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.532232, Lon -149.570284 GoogleMaps Ope...
Optique Moorea Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.481991, Lon -149.807796 GoogleMaps...
Outboards (new)
Comptoir Polynรฉsien Yamaha Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530572, Lon -149.57086...
Outboards (repar & parts)
Kaleo Island: Huahine Kaleo ๐ +68987209435 in Huahine . 04-21 SV Aquarius Very good in mechani...
GasPac Tahiti Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.560154, Lon -149.570351 GoogleMaps ...
OPT Locations Island: Tahiti ๐ zuckoo.pf/OPT---OFFICE-DES-POSTES-ET-T%C3%89L%C3%89COMMUNICATIONS-...
PVC supplies, pipe, fittings
Polymat Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.482567, Lon -149.799768 GoogleMaps OpenStr...
Ace Hardware Paint Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531045, Lon -149.5704 GoogleMaps...
Passport photos
Photo Gauguin Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.730808, Lon -151.441866 GoogleMaps O...
Pearls (sell&drilling)
Blue Pearl Boutique Island: Tahiti Blue Pearl Boutique ๐ +68940419866 ๐ง contactbluepearl@gmail.co...
Pelican Storage Cases
Ivea Island: Tahiti Ivea, in the Vaima shopping center in downtown Papeete.. They carry a range o...
Perkins parts
Dieselec Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -17.53...
Personal Tahiti Guides
Corinne Mc Kittick Island: Tahiti Corinne Mc Kittrick 87-75-91-56 ๐ง makanalani56@yahoo.fr SV Jaca...
Pet supplies
Pet Supplies Island: Tahiti GPS Coordinates (Latitude/Longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude: -1...
Pharmacie Lafayette Island: Bora Bora ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.503805, Lon -151.751213 Goog...
Plomberium Plumbing Supplies Island: Raiatea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -16.723611, Lon -151.4561...
Propane refills
Apataki Carenage Island: Apataki Reported they can do Propane refills Please let me know your exp...
Propeller and Shaft repair
Marcel Prop Repair Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.542564, Lon -149.544201 GoogleMa...
Ets Emile Vongue & Fils (Mariner) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530687, Lon -149....
Plexiglas (see Lexan)
Racor filters
Ocean 2000 Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.529987, Lon -149.560249 GoogleMaps Ope...
Radar repair
Assystem Polynรฉsie Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533009, Lon -149.567728 Google...
Radio nets
VHF Net Nuku Hiva Island: Nuku Hiva Run by Nuku Hiva Yacht Services Monday - Friday Opening at...
Marine Elec Island: Tahiti Marine Elec Alexandre ๐ +68987374715 ๐ง Marine.elec@gmx.com Papeete...
Maintenance Marquises Service Island: Hiva 'Oa MMS Ok for used oil and old batteries For more in...
Refrigeration (repair)
Fakarava Yacht Services Island: Fakarava Fakarava Yacht Services For more information, see Yach...
Refrigeration (supplies)
Comptoir Frigorifique Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.533099, Lon -149.563263 Goo...
Les Givrees - Artisanal Ice cream Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.540615, Lon -14...
Ride share
UCAR Pacific Island: Tahiti UCAR Pacific Download App. Works like Uber or Lyft ๐ www.radio1.pf/...
BMS (Boat Maintenance Services) Island: Raiatea Fred Hermelin ๐ง bms@mail.pf 87749560 Fred is v...
MonBoo va'a Island: Tahiti MonBoo Vaโa ๐ +68987229056 ๐ง contact@monboovaa.com ๐ www.monboovaa.com...
Maintenance Marquises Atuona Island: Hiva Oa Maintenance Marquises 4-2023 we had our mainsail rep...
Sand blasting
Problast (Powder Coating) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.564282, Lon -149.568371 G...
Hello Scoot Island: Tahiti Hello Scoot Scooter Rental using the app. They are electric scooters 1...
Scubapiti/Moorea Island: Mo'orea ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.490523, Lon -149.904991 GoogleMap...
Seals & Bearrings
123Roulement Island: Tahiti 123Roulement For more information, see Bearings, Belts, Seals Rouleme...
Sewing machine new/repairs
Adrian Island: Tahiti ADRIAN Sewing machine repair Faa'a ๐ +68989546664 No Information & no revie...
Sewing services
Carreira Industries Island: Tahiti Carreira 11-2020 SY Venture Lady reported they moved and the n...
Ship movement FP
Supply Ship Schedule in FP Island: Tahiti ๐ www.service-public.pf/ dpam/?fbclid=IwAR32NAuttZAfaJW...
Shoe repair
Cordonnier Island: Tahiti There's a small "cordonnerie" in the Vaima Center mall facing the Papee...
Marine Elec Island: Tahiti Alexandre 87 37 47 15 ๐ง Marine.elec@gmx.com Papeete Alex services Simr...
Stanboard Skate Shop Island: Tahiti Stanboard Skate Shop ๐ www.facebook.com/Stanboardsk8ordie/ Ta...
Super U Island: Huahine Super U Large selection of Sodastream products including refills. Champio...
Solar panels
Doenergy Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.542, Lon -149.572086 GoogleMaps OpenStreet...
Adrien Creuzรฉ Island: Tahiti Adrien is an expert with splices for your fenders, dinghy paintors, ...
Stainless steel (fabrication and welding)
Hors Bord Occasion Island: Tahiti ๐ H.B. Occasion Eric Prevost Prestations en tous genres, Vente ...
Stainless steel nuts & bolts (see nuts, bolts screw-section)
Starter motors
S.a.r.l Enipac Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.532636, Lon -149.570836 GoogleMaps O...
Strata glass
Facinov Island: Tahiti Facinov ๐ +68940455600 ๐ง eurlfacinov@gmail.com ๐ www.facebook.com/jpizal/ ...
Carreira Industries Island: Tahiti Sunbrella (the real stuff) can be source at Carreira contact M...
Somo Surfboards Island: Tahiti Somo Surfboards ๐ www.facebook.com/shapedbysomo/ ๐ง somosurfboards@...
Christophe Citeau Island: Raiatea Christophe Citeau ๐ +68987796381 ๐ง chrisciteau@mail.pf 9-2022 S...
Swimming pools
Piscine Municipale de Tipaerui Island: Tahiti Piscine Municipale de Tipaerui Boulevard de la Rein...
Shipping (see Importing Parts)
Tura Ora Island: Tahiti TUTA ORA Zl de la Tipaerui BP 663 98713 Papeete ๐ +68987282018 ๐ +6898...
Fakarava Yacht Services Island: Fakarava Fakarava Yacht Services does yransfers to/from airport...
Carreira Industries Island: Tahiti Carreira 11-2020 SY Venture Lady reported they moved and th...
Toilet (composting)
Agritech Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.538954, Lon -149.563686 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Tool rental
Ace Hardware Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531449, Lon -149.571269 GoogleMaps O...
Ace Hardware Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531449, Lon -149.571269 GoogleMaps O...
Tourist office
Tourist Office Cooks Bay Island: Mo'oreaย ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.489538, Lon -149.81628...
Tours (island tours)
Bora Bora Quad Adventures Island: Bora Bora Bora Bora Quad Adventures ๐ +68989755458 ๐ +689877...
Serge Thomas Island: Mo'orea Serge Thomas ๐ +689562645 ๐ง Sergethomas@mail.pf Tamae, Moโorea en...
VHF net (see Radio Net)
Vacuum Seal Bags
Art Cuisine Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.546619, Lon -149.589142 GoogleMaps Open...
Clinique Veterinaire Maeva Island: TahitiClinique Veterinaire Maeva ๐ +689404241 Can do Titre tes...
Marine Supplies Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.54159, Lon -149.57171 GoogleMaps Op...
Volvo Penta
Nautisport Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530357, Lon -149.571822 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Watch repair
L'Horloger a few blocks from market Island: Tahiti L'Horloger Laurent Crepin ๐ +68940425965 Rue p...
Bloody Mary's wharf Island: Bora Bora Fresh water is available from the wharf opposite Bloody Mar...
Water Pump
Adrian Pataki Island: Tahiti Adrian Pataki ๐ง svattila@gmail.com ๐ +68987286083 You may want to st...
Nuku Hiva Yacht Services (Spectra) Island: Nuku Hiva Kevin Ellis Nuku Hiva Yacht Services Spectra...
Webbing (see Canvas Work)
Taxi Motu Marines Island: Bora Bora Taxi Motu Marines ๐ +68940676577 ๐ +68989439999723 ๐ง taximotu...
West System
Ace Hardware Paint Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.531045, Lon -149.5704 GoogleMaps...
Wind surfing
Tahiti Wind Surf Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.532019, Lon -149.544278 GoogleMaps...
Nautisport Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.530357, Lon -149.571822 GoogleMaps OpenS...
Windlass repair
BMS (Boat Maintenance Services) Island: RaiateaFred Hermelin ๐ง bms@mail.pf ๐ +68987749560 Fred is...
Michel Mardi Local Wood including Teak Island: Mo'orea Michel Mardi ๐ +68987786063 Cooks Bay He i...
Wood workers
Michel Mardi Local Wood including Teak Island: Mo'orea Michel Mardi Local Wood including Teak For...
Yacht services
Fakarava Yacht Services Island: Fakarava Fakarava Yacht Services ๐ง fakayachtservices@gmail.com Ch...
Yacht transport
Seal Super Yachts Tahiti Island: Tahiti Sevenstar Yacht Transports and DYT Yacht Transports Pasca...
Yanmar / Yanmar Parts
Pacific Marine -Dominique Fily Island: Tahiti Dominique ๐ +68987748861 ๐ง filydom@gmail.com 8-2019...
EasiYo products (self-made yogurt) Island: Tahiti ๐ GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.5956, Lon -149.6...