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Bloody Mary's wharf

Island: Bora Bora

Fresh water is available from the wharf opposite Bloody Marys restaurant. Ask the bar tender for the key

Bora Bora Ferry Wharf

Island: Bora Bora

The normal procedure is to buy a card from the mooring lads, it gives access to a water supply at the village dock. You get the deposit back when returning the card. Don't do it at the weekend.

Fakarava City Council

Island: Fakarava

Fresh water available from cistern near wharf. Pay the fee in the city council office. Same place as you pay your anchoring and garbage fee

Huahine Fresh Water

Island: Huahine

Available from main wharf. Ask at the Dive shop, pay fee and obtain key

Marina Apooti

Island: RaiateaFresh water available from faucets If you are not staying in the marina be sure to ask permission from the office

Marina Papeete

Island: Tahiti

Potable water from Faucets. Water card purchased in office

Marina Taina

Island: Tahiti

📍 GPS decimal degrees: Lat -17.585525, Lon -149.61611 GoogleMaps OpenStreetMap

Potable water from faucets in the marina For more information, see Marinas & Anchorages

Port Phateon

Island: Tahiti

Fresh Water Tap 17'44.44S - 129'20.45W (also added in navionics)

5-2022 SV SY COLON Look for the three big Polynesian canoes. Black hose where your own key or wrench needed to open. Drinking water and nice. Spring water. Possible to anchor the boat on 20-30mide the reef and take the dinghy in last couple of 100m to fill up Jerry cans. Or take the dinghy all the way from phanteons anchorage/moorings I asked about in the marina here in Phanteon and some local Lady from the sail school said i should use that one. So I did :