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Generator (sales, service)

Chan et Fils SARL

Island: Tahiti

Chan et Fils SARL Patrick and Laurent Chan Land Line:+689-40-836-015

πŸ“ž +69897777695 / πŸ“ž +68987784585



Punaauia Winds, Motors and Altenators. Installations

11-2020 SV Moira I have recently had to replace my generator with a used unit that needed to be reconditioned, tested, installed and troubleshot aboard. Laurent and Kevin at Chan et Fils SARL in Puna’auia have done an outstanding job and I would like to recommend them to be added to your guide. A project like that is never easy and they have gone out of their way to see it through.

Marine Elec

Island: Tahiti

Marine Elec Alexandre πŸ“ž +68987374715



Northern Lights

Island: Tahiti

2-2024. SV Auntie The inventory of Northern Lights parts available in French Polynesia is smaller than small.) Northern Lights parts come out of Seattle, Washington, but you cannot order direct from them. The quickest (and least expensive) way to get parts sent to French Polynesia from US is to order from Richard at Costal Marine. Costal Marine is right next door to Northern Lights in Seattle, they have a great working relationship, and most parts can be sent same day. Another bonus, Northern Lights - Costal Marine can ship directly to Tahiti (98713) using USPS International Priority which is considerably less expensive than DHL or FedEx, and takes the same amount of time. As usual, from Papeete, Tahiti Crew can pay customs and ship to any other island. Costal Marine: πŸ“ž +12067843703